Lachezar Balev
I am a software engineer with 19+ years real experience in various projects. I met Java in 2000 in the form of J2SE 1.2. But my hello world “application” was written in BASIC long before that. Currently I work at REWE Digital Bulgaria on an exciting Microservice oriented architecture. I’m a curious person – I love to experiment, peek under the hood of popular open source frameworks and build usable and reliable software. You can meet me at Stack Overflow, GitHub, and some smaller online communities. In my free time I love riding my motorbike around the country.
Deploying containerized applications into a Kubernetes cluster
Our fantastic apps deserve the right infrastructure! In this talk we will make a short introduction to Kubernetes (K8s). Next we will dockerize and deploy two simple applications into a k8s cluster.
Our ambitious goal is that the audience will feel comfy with what we are doing and will be able to easily follow us. No prior knowledge of k8s is required! The apps and the scripts that we are going to use will be available at Github.
The talk will begin with a quick glimpse into the k8s architecture. Then we will go a bit deeper with some of the most important k8s objects like Nodes, Controllers, Services. When we lay down the foundations it will be time to introduce our sample applications – a small Spring Boot backend and an Angular frontend which offers the possibility for amusing interaction with the attendees (e.g. by scanning a QR Code). At the end we will deploy these apps in GClould and/or Minikube and see them up and running.